Wednesday, March 30, 2011


By: Ernest G. Smith Jr. & Mantue S. Reeves  (April 10 2006)

The dispensation of man’s evil living after him has been rapidly fading away, as the saying goes, man’s evils nowadays accompany him as he breaths. The dramatic end of the likes of Foday Sankor of Sierra Leone, Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia and other is an unshakable and glaring signal to the schemers of atrocities.
As for back as the early 90s the man Taylor speedily evolved as a symbol of every imaginable inhumane crime against humanity. As if he had monopoly over gruesome atrocities, McArthur single handedly successfully the entire West African sub-region into an unprecedented anarchy, which is very visible today.
Whilst he was still president of Liberia, Charles McArthur Ghankay Taylor was on March 3, 2003 indicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone in Freetown. The Special Court fingered him as one of those who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law in the territory of Sierra Leone between November 30, 1996, and the end of that country’s 10-year fratricidal war. The indictment was published by the prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone on June 6, 2003. The publication of the indictment coincided with a time Taylor was attending peace talks in Ghana. His government was facing serious threats from rebels who had commandeered a better part of the country. To arrest the drift and to prevent the renewed war in Liberia spilling over to neighboring countries, ECOWAS leaders facilitated the peace talks between his embattled government and the rebel groups.
Besides his notorious role in fuelling the barbaric civil war in Sierra Leone and destabilizing that country during her 11-year war, the 17-count charges accused Taylor of several atrocities, including exciting rebellions in Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire, causing mayhem, mass murders, smuggling of minerals and crime against humanity. As it were, the prosecutor also published Taylor’s warrant of arrest along with the indictment. The warrant of arrest went as far as appealing to the international community and INTERPOL to take all necessary steps to have Taylor arrested and turned over to Special Court for Sierra Leone and to identify and locate assets owned by Taylor and adopt provisional measures to freeze such assets.
The international enthusiasm that greeted the publication of the indictment and the issuing of the warrant of arrest was surprisingly not complemented by the necessary political will of the leaders of the West African Sub-region. Ghana was the first country to demonstrate the mindset of Sub-regional authorities over Charles Taylor’s indictment. In utter gross disrespect for international law, the sanity of humanity and spite for the Special Court, Ghanaian authorities did not only refuse to arrest and hand over Charles Taylor to the Special Court but also considered the service of the warrant of arrest on them as a declaration of war against Ghana by the Special Court had endeavoured to serve the warrant of arrest on the Ghanaian Government before Taylor attended the peace talks in Ghana. With Charles Taylor out of his backyard and on a faraway neutral ground, the Special Court had hoped that the Ghanaian Government would do what was right and arrest and hand over Taylor. Instead of cooperating with the court and the international community over the international criminal with international indictment and warrant of arrest, the Ghanaian Government first shamefully denied receipt of the warrant of arrest and then expressed disgust at the auspicious request of the Special Court. In the words of Nano Akufo-Addo, the then Foreign Minister of Ghana, the indictment and warrant of arrest were embarrassing to the Government of Ghana.
In reality, what was most embarrassing was Ghana’s excuse that the peace talks were more important than the collective efforts of conscionable world to have Charles Taylor face the legitimate legal proceedings against him. After the display of some high degree of disregard and injustice to humanity by so-called political giants of Africa, out of panic, Taylor left Ghana immediately in one of his most humble moods; progressive observers were quick to read the hurdles that the Special Court for Sierra Leone was up against. Debunking Ghana’s display of arrogance of shame,  the progressive commentator, Joseph Tellewoayan commented as follows: “Although the timing of the publication of the indictment and the warrant of arrest may have stalled the peace process, the aforementioned negative reactions to the UN tribunal’s action should be viewed within a broader context-most modern African nations have little regard for the rule of law and the judicial process. For many, the judicial process is seen not as part of a societal procedure that attempts to adjudicate disputes and criminal activities, but a nuisance. When President Obasanjo of Nigeria recently visited Liberia to discuss amnesty for President Charles Taylor, his reaction toward the charges brought against Charles Taylor were these lackadaisical words, “…. I will not be pressured…”, an apparent reference to the fact that he was not going to be pressured by the Special Court for Sierra Leone. He showed no respect for the UN/Sierra Leonean tribunal.” Well, against all odds, nature had her own way of amicably embarrassing the Obasanjo’s led government relative to the Ghankay Saga.
While the helpless ones suffered unbearable ills as the result of his manipulation and gross involvement, Taylor brawled of being the godfather of the rebel-infested sub-region. He also accumulated huge wealth, why? Quite simple is the reason. McArthur traded arms, ammunition, professional rapists, rogues, killers and drug addicts to the mentally retarded and coward RUF leader Foday Sankor for the diamonds of Sierra Leone.
In desperate effort to accumulate far more as possible, he in fact over supplied RUF and infested the then volatile Sierra Leone with enough of the finest, amputators wicked ones that hell has ever prone. Not only that his bandits rained terror upon the citizenry of Sierra Leone, they meticulously looted every movable objects.
In summary, the crimes committed by Charles Taylor and his fellow travelers are triable by the Special Court in Sierra Leone. Definitely, clearly Taylor is guilty in the court of public opinion and the court of all reasonable and rational human beings on the surface of this earth. We are quite sure that hell already knows that Taylor is one of its candidates and is awaiting him. We are however gratified to herald the justifications for his indictment and trial by the Special Court for Sierra Leone on behalf of all victimized youths.
Under Article One of the Statue of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Special Court has power to prosecute persons who bear the greatest responsibility for serious violations of international humanitarian law and Sierra Leonean law committed in the territory of Sierra Leone since November 1996, including leaders who, in establishment of an the implementation of the peace process in Sierra Leone. In Article 6, the statute provides as follows:
  1. A person, who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted the planning, preparation or execution of a crime referred to in articles 2 to 4 of the present Statue shall be individually responsible for the crime.
  2. The official position of any such accused, whether as Head of State or government or as a responsible government official, shall not relieve such person of criminal responsibility nor mitigate punishment. The crimes referred to in Article 6 are crimes against humanity, violations of Article 3 common to the Geneva Convention and Additional protocol II, and other serious violations of International Humanitarian Law.
Article 2 provides that the Special Court shall have power to prosecute persons who committed the following crimes as part of widespread or systematic attack against any civilian population:

  1. Murder
  2. Extermination
  3. Enslavement
  4. Deportation
  5. Imprisonment
  6. Torture
  7. Rape, Sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, force pregnancy and any other form of sexual violence,
  8. Persecution on political, racial, ethnic or religious grounds,
  9. Other inhuman acts.
Article 3 provides that the Special Court shall have power to prosecute persons who committed or ordered the commission of serious violations of article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the protection of War Victims, And OF additional Protocol II thereto of June 1977. These violations include:
  1. Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder as well as cruel treatment such as torture, mutilation or any form of corporal punishment,
  2. Collective punishment
  3. Taking of hostages
  4. Act of terrorism
  5. Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault,
  6. Pillage
  7. The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
  8. Threat to commit any of the forgoing-acts.
Article 4 empowers the Special Court to prosecute persons who committed the following serious violations of international humanitarian laws:
  1. Intentionally directing attacks against civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities,
  2. Intentionally directing attacks against personnel installations, material, unit or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict,
  3. Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups or using them to participate actively in hostilities.
From the foregoing it is irrefutably clear that Taylor is indictable and liable to prosecution. Other leaders of his ilk have been tried by similar tribunals. If Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia was stripped of his so-called immunity and made to answer for his atrocities against his people. Taylor has no hiding place. It’s a glaring fact that McArthur’s sojourn in Nigeria was not his first as he has been a fugitive since his dramatic fallout with the late Liberian leader Samuel K. Doe. He served as Doe’s chief procurement officer/Director General of the General Service Agency.
In just about three years on the job, he ripped off the agency by stealing as much as US$900,000. When he was to be arrested he fled to America. Authorities in America were said to have arrested and imprisoned him, but believable commentaries have it that the same authorities encouraged and facilitated his escape from whence he went to Libya and acquired the training for the onslaught on his country.


By:Ernest Garnark Smith,Jr. 

Education is my name, yes, education is my beneficial name to humanity
Dignity I give to those who diligently strive and obtain me
Utilize me well and you shall be an idol and delight to millions in this crowded world
Cease not O ye Children of Mama Liberia to pursue me as long as you live because
Authority and prestige have I given to those who cleave unto me with all their might
Thousands are miserable only because they spurned and ridiculed me …………….
Indeed many were disappointed and suffered shock last October because of me
Of course, I’d rule the world with enough prudence, humility and respect for life
Nations and men become great with me as their cornerstone.
Yes! Education is my unique name, strive and embrace me for am too worthy a cause to fight; O education is my name.
The above poem is dedicated to all Liberian refugee students and prospective students striving to acquire sound education in the diaspora against all odds! Compos mentis!

The Truth And Reconciliation Panel - A Dead Victim Prepares Her Case !!!!

Tomorrow I shall face the Truth and Reconciliation Panel. I shall hold the holy books in one hand and the constitution in the other.And I shall swear by them all to tell the truth . I shall say nothing else but the whole truth.The truth of how I came to bear the name Innocent Poor Victim in my short life-span which witnessed the bloody political upheavals that raged across the landscape and ravaged the nation. I shall bring along the stone containing the following epitaph written with my own blood , by hungry and terrified mourners , who placed it on top of the shallow grave into which my stinking corpse was banished from the face of the earth :

BORNED 1979 ; DIED 2003

And upon that grave-stone , I shall make myself a podium , and declare to the hearing of every man and woman , boy and girl , writers and book-makers , nothing but the truth.
Tomorrow when I face the panel , I shall show them the scars on my back; those scars are the testimonies of the multiple wounds inflicted on my tender body way back in 1979. And what was my offence then ? that my voice -– the babyish voice of a suckling child, added to the voices of protest over the high price of rice .I shall show them the stitches on my head too. Those old stitches that cover the deep cuts in my head testify to the flogging I received on April 12, 1980. I shall still show them the bruises in my eyes where several gun-butts pounded and blinded me in the Nimba raid of 1983.I shall further display the photos of my three little friends—Kou , Sekou and Tarlue --- who were all slaughtered in the coup and counter coup of 1985.

Tomorrow when I face the panel , I shall wear my old blood-stained garment – an evidence of how my blood gushed out, when a drugged child soldier stabbed me in July of 1990 on the false allegation of me being a 'conapper' with the enemy. I used that old worn-out garment to tie the wound , and hold back my entrails, until help came from a fellow victim with less severe wounds.

I shall read to the panel a list of some other victims who were also butchered by blood thirsty men. Victims whose lives were dedicated to serving their communities ,but whose death no media ever reported . I shall first read out the name of the Dutch lady who worked with her Kru husband in providing education to the illiterate and poverty-stricken children of Barnersville for over twenty years.Mrs Minikie Weah was an intelligent and devoted teacher.But her services were rewarded by a gruesome death ! I shall read out the names of Mr. Kumeh Trueh ,Rev. Jacob Blie and Mr. Samuel Kumeh. Those were committed educators who had nothing to do with power politics, but were yet murdered cold-bloodedly! I shall also read out the names of very ordinary men too. Ordinary men like : Pa Menjoe ( the Kissi merchant who was killed and his body decayed openly and provided meat for the dogs) ; Fayiah Bald-Head (an ordinary grass cleaner butchered while he went to cut mortar pestle) , and Oldman Morris or Pa Railroad ( a very jovial and energetic 'cane juice' seller shot dead , along with his only son , on the Bong Mines train track near Louisiana).

After I read the list – a list of those innocent and countless number of other victims – I shall not end there , but continue to narrate my own tragic experiences .I shall show the empty space where my ear once stood --- the very ear that was chopped off in the so-called 'OPERATION OCTOPUS'. I shall show them the marks of the 'tie-bay rope' made deep in the flesh of my arms in the Monrovia bloodbath of 1996.

I know they would have noticed already my half leg amputated just below my knee.But despite the conspicuity of my deformity , I shall still point to it , and tell them the sad story of how the other part of it was hacked off by evil men in the chaos of 1998.

Before I sit down , I shall show to them the marks on my bullets-riddled belly. Those were the red hot bullets that finally exited me and my seven-months-old unborn baby from this world , and recorded our names too in the archive of the dead under the section titled 'victims of violence'.The poor child , whose father was one of several gang-rapists , never saw even the light of this cruel world, but was formed and destroyed out of the abundance of the cruelty from it.The deafening echo of her perishing shriek was the last sound I ever heard.

I shall then take my seat and await an admission of guilt and a plead for forgiveness from those responsible for committing those atrocious crimes. I would not expect an applause for my lengthy and dramatic oration , but sincere and open apologies from those responsible for those atrocities I suffered , and witnessed during my short life-span

I swear I shall say nothing but the truth tomorrow. I shall not be intimidated by people's high status or persuaded by cash to withhold the truth of my miserable life and encounter here on earth; neither shall I be frightened by threats of torture or death – for I have tasted them all. At tomorrow's truth and reconciliation hearing , I shall not hesitate to expose those who attempt to pretend to be innocent and bury the truth by their silence , or those who will endeavor to becloud the facts by their lies , pretenses or fabricated justification for the crimes meted out against us.For those, if they do surface ,I shall pursue the course of justice to the very end !!

Tomorrow when I face the truth panel , I shall seek to reconcile every man with his conscience . I shall seek to reconcile them with the ugly reality of their past , and also seek to reconcile the living with the innocent dead victims.And lastly , I shall seek to reconcile the living with the living.But in achieving these , I shall pour out the burden of the agony , pains , fear , grief , hatred , doubts , suspicions and frustrations that I have been forced to live and die with .

I swear , if my offenders and the perpetrators of those diabolical and nefarious acts(regardless of their current statuses as 'honorable honorables' , 'honorable excellencies' , 'honorable sheiks' , 'honorable evangelists' , 'honorable businessmen , 'honorable directors' , 'honorable taxi drivers' , 'honorable petty-traders' , 'honorable shoe-shine boys', etc) would come forth and admit their guilt and seek forgiveness , I shall walk to them one by one ; hug them one by one ; kiss each one on the cheek and reconcile with them all.

I shall purify the land with the oil of peace ,and return to the world of the dead ,and rest in peace forever !!

About the author:
Emmanuel H. Payne jr. is a Liberian writer and advocate.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Obesity fight begins at home

US First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity took a personal turn when she said she is paying more attention to a key body fat measurement for her own daughters.
Obama said she was surprised to learn that her daughters' body mass index, or BMI, numbers were "creeping upwards".
"I didn't really know what BMI was," she said. "I certainly didn't know that even a small increase in BMI can have serious consequences for a child's health," she added, recommending that all parents inform themselves about the vital weight statistic."
President Barack Obama and the first lady are the parents of two girls, Malia, 12, and Sasha, nine.
The BMI takes height and weight into consideration when calculating body fat, and is considered by doctors and fitness experts to be a more reliable indicator of obesity than weight alone.
Michelle Obama has targeted childhood obesity as her signature cause, at a time when one in three American children are obese or overweight due to a lack of exercise and a diet loaded with fat and sugar.
Overweight children are believed to be more likely than their normal-weight peers to grow up to be obese adults at greater risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

When are you most fertile?

Not sure when the best time to try for a baby is? This infographic could help.
Not all women experience their menstrual cycle in the same way. Some are calmer than others. Some tend to burst into tears more easily as their period approaches. Some may feel crampy and tired during their period, others don't feel any ill effects. This cycle a woman's body goes through each month is unique to them. It does, however, play a huge role in fertility no matter how you experience it.

To be sure when you'll be most fertile, make sure to track your menstrual cycle on a calendar or in your diary. Live healthily, keep track of your cycle and do loads of the 'baby dance' and before you know it, you should be expecting your very own bundle!

Here's an idea of how your menstrual cycle should be working, but bear in mind that the number of days of the cycle, and the length of the period can vary from woman to woman:

Drug dealer to sue police for 'humiliating' him

A UK drug dealer was planning to sue police for "humiliating" him by telling his neighbours that he was sent to jail, The Sun reported.
Police put a photograph of Luke Walsh-Pinnock, 22, on a "name and shame" leaflet sent to 1500 homes - but Walsh-Pinnock claims that the police force's actions breached his human rights and plans to seek damages.
Police spread the news to Walsh-Pinnock's neighbours in Kilburn, north London, informing them that he was sentenced to four years in jail for dealing cocaine and heroin.
The police leaflet added, "Individuals dealing drugs will be arrested and prosecuted. The above [Walsh-Pinnock] is a prime example of police intention."
Walsh-Pinnock's parents also complained about his "degrading" treatment.
"Luke's been humiliated in his local community, which is against his human rights. We'll take this to court. He's a good boy who is kind to his family," a friend of his mother said.

Chief Superintendent Matthew Gardner, from Brent Police, said, "We constantly target offenders and put them before the courts, but often local people don't know what has been done. It is important that they are aware when criminals are put away and will no longer be blighting their communities."
Officers raided a flat in Kilburn last August and caught Walsh-Pinnock cutting up heroin. They also seized a safe that contained quantities of cocaine and heroin.
Walsh-Pinnock and his friend James Goldsmith, 35, were convicted of possession with intent to supply. Goldsmith was sentenced to three years in jail.
Scotland Yard confirmed that police "received a complaint from a member of the public regarding the leaflets".

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Are all parents hypocrites?

7 things I've noticed about parenting and double-standards.

Most of us vow to never be like our parents. We promise that we won’t treat our kids the way they treated us or use the same (annoying) phrases. But alas, the double-standards and terrible sayings slowly creep in.

Here are a few that I’ve observed:

  1. "No sweets/chips before dinner, you'll ruin your appetite!" But don't mind me as I finish off this slab of chocolate.
  2. "Yes, you must go to Sunday school." I go to church too! It doesn’t matter if it’s only on Christmas Day, Passover or Eid.
  3. "Stop fighting with your brother!" No, I'm allowed to shout at your mother. We're married.
  4. "Patience is a virtue my darling..." But why won't this idiot driving infront of me go any faster?!
  5. "Stop asking so many questions!" But why didn't you tell me about your outing? And why did you hit your brother? And why...
  6. "Eating healthily is the only way you'll keep that figure." And I'll start my diet tomorrow. Okay, maybe Monday.
  7. And the worst of all: "Do as I say, not as I do." I don't care if I happen to smoke/drink/swear. YOU'RE not allowed to. Why? Because I say so.

Do parents have double standards for themselves and their kids? Is that wrong?

Wyclef Jean shot in Haiti

Port-au-Prince - A spokesperson for Wyclef Jean says the hip-hop star has been released from a hospital after being treated for a gunshot wound to his hand.

Joe Mignon, senior programme director for Jean's Yele Foundation, says Jean was shot in the hand after 23:00 local time on Saturday in the city of Delmas, just outside Port-au-Prince.

Jean's brother, Samuel, confirmed the musician was shot. Neither he nor Mignon had additional details.
The shooting comes on the eve of presidential elections in Haiti. Jean is supporting fellow musician Michel Martelly.

A spokesperson for the Haitian National Police could not be immediately reached for comment.

Weekend sex!

What better way to spend the weekend than in the bedroom?Get your weekend off on a good note by indulging in a little Friday afternoon bedroom fun. And don't lose momentum, keep it going and Saturday and Sunday too. We've got a few great weekend sex tips to get your engine revving.

1. You've got mail

Send your partner an email telling her exactly what you plan on doing to her in the bedroom later. Describe every little detail, and tell her what you'd like her to do to you. Tell her how turned on you are and that you can't wait to see her! Go on, send it now.
But it doesn't end there, send emails reminding her of what's going to happen later until you leave the office. You should both be ready for some major action once you get home.
P.S. Don't forget to delete the emails from your sent folder!

2. Breakfast is served

Why not wake your partner up for a wicked breakfast on Saturday morning? Make it exciting, and do a barter deal. For everything she does in bed that makes your toes curl, add something extra to the breakfast menu.
It should be a good incentive for your partner, so prepare to cook up a storm!

3. What lies underneath

After that mammoth breakfast, make sure your partner sees you get dressed. Put on your sexiest undies and tell her she'll have the pleasure of taking them off later.
Don't forget to remind her throughout the day of what you're wearing underneath your clothes. And don't let her rush you through your shopping trip. Just tell her that good things come to those who wait...

4. In the dead of the night

We all love kisses right? So show your partner how much you love it. Wake her up in the middle of the night by planting kisses all over her body. Start on her arms, move your way up to her neck, then her face and then start your journey downwards.
Kiss a line down her chest,between her breasts all the way down to her belly button, and use your hands as well. Lighty brush your hands all over her body. Your woman should be awake and shaking with desire by now, make the most of it!

5. Wind down

Well you've had a weekend full of fun and excitement, it's time to wind it down a little and prepare for the week ahead.
Cuddle up with your lover in front of the TV on Sunday night with a movie and a big bowl of popcorn. Make sure you're sitting really close, and start making out, like you used to when you were a teenager. Who knows where it could lead to...
So there you have it, all the tips you need for a weekend of great sex. You'll arrive in the office on Monday morning with a big smile, wondering how long it'll take for Friday to come around again.
Have fun!
Do you know any other sexy tips for the weekend?

Richest countries also the smartest

It's not just how free the market is. Some economists are looking at another factor that determines how much a country's economy flourishes: how smart its people are. For a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, researchers analysed test scores from 90 countries and found that the intelligence of the people, particularly the smartest 5%, made a big contribution to the strength of their economies.
In the last 50 years or so, economists have started taking an interest in the value of human capital. That means all of the qualities of the people who make up the workforce. Heiner Rindermann, of the Chemnitz University of Technology, wanted to look more closely at human capital, and particularly the factor that psychologists call cognitive ability. "In other words, it's the ability of a person to solve a problem in the most efficient way - not with violence, but by thinking," Rindermann says. He wrote the new study with James Thompson of University College London.

Research demographic
The researchers collected information on 90 countries, from the US to New Zealand and Colombia to Kazakhstan. They also collected data on the country's excellence in science and technology - the number of patents granted per person and how many Nobel Prizes the country's people had won in science, for example.
They found that intelligence made a difference in gross domestic product. For each one-point increase in a country's average IQ, the per capita GDP was $229 higher. It made an even bigger difference if the smartest 5% of the population got smarter; for every additional IQ point in that group, a country's per capita GDP was $468 higher.

Intelligence linked to economy
"Within a society, the level of the most intelligent people is important for economic productivity," Rindermann says. He thinks that's because "they are relevant for technological progress, for innovation, for leading a nation, for leading organisations, as entrepreneurs, and so on." Since Adam Smith, many economists have assumed that the main thing you need for a strong economy is a government that stays out of the way. "I think in the modern economy, human capital and cognitive ability are more important than economic freedom," Rindermann says. - (EurekAlert!, March 2011)

Misunderstanding miscarriage

By Nikki Temkin 
When your pregnant friend suddenly isn’t anymore, there are some key things not to say.
After three miscarriages, I have found that sometimes even my closest friends and family don’t know how to respond when I’ve had one. It’s because as in other situations of trauma, people just don’t always know how to behave.

Often the most well-intentioned comments can make you feel worse or angry or even unsupported. But, really, unless you’ve sat in bed for a week waiting for your dead foetus to be expelled or gone for your 6 week scan to find that there’s no heartbeat, then you don’t really know how it feels.

You don’t need to step on eggshells around your friend, yet it’s a fragile time for someone. So, I’ve put together some pointers, in my opinion, of some things not to say or do when someone has a miscarriage.

What not to say after a miscarriage

  • If the person lets you know what happened first-hand, always acknowledge the loss. A good thing to say is: ‘I am so sorry. I am thinking of you and am here if you need anything.’ Pretending that it never happened is one of the worst things you can do. Drop off a bunch of flowers with a note saying: ‘I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Thinking of you.’ Even if she doesn’t want to see you yet or talk about it, she’ll appreciate the gesture.
  • Never say: ‘Oh well, you can always try again.’ Yes, that’s usually true but this statement minimizes the loss that the person has suffered. Plus, if they conceived on fertility treatment, it really isn’t that simplistic as just trying again.   
  • If your friend withdraws, then it is still safe to send them sms's or leave messages of support like: ‘I know you’re not up to talking yet or socializing, but when you’re ready, I am here.’  Even if she wants to be alone right now, it will make her feel better to know that you’re out there thinking of her. Don’t force her to talk about. She will, when she’s ready.
  • Avoid saying, ‘Oh, it’s so common, it happened to my sister’s cousin’s auntie 7 times and now she has 5 children!’ Reiterating how common it is too soon after the miscarriage seems to minimise the loss.
  • Never say, ‘at least it wasn’t far along yet/not a proper baby yet.’ For her, whatever stage of development it may be in from embryo to foetus, its still in her mind, a baby, and it hurts that it’s gone.
  • Avoid saying, ‘There was probably something wrong with it/ wouldn’t you rather have a miscarriage than have a disabled child?’ Again, this may be true but she doesn’t need to hear it now. Although intellectually she might be comforted by the notion that it’s for the best, it still hurts like hell.
  • And, for some women who have been trying for years to conceive, perhaps they’d rather take their chances at having an ‘imperfect’ child rather than never becoming a parent at all.
  • Say anything about it being ‘God’s will’ or ‘Divine intervention’. Unless the person is religious, it’s just an annoying thing to say.
  • A gentle reminder like: ‘Well, at least you have one child.’ If that’s the case, this knowledge can be helpful but maybe not right after the miscarriage. Wanting something that eludes you is painful and no matter how many children you have, miscarriage is still unpleasant.

The stigma of miscarriage

By:Nikki Temkin 

The silent grief of ‘losing’ a baby is hard to talk about, says this mom who’s had three.

In my experience, miscarriage is often a silent grief. It’s almost an embarrassment to admit to having a miscarriage. Or three.

It was only when I experienced my first one (and since then two more) that I realized how many women there are who have gone through this kind of loss. They simply crawl out of the woodwork. There seems to be a stigma attached to confessing that you ‘lost it’. When it happens, you start to ask yourself questions like: ‘What’s wrong with me? Why can’t my body carry a baby?’ Perhaps you even start to doubt whether you’ll ever bear a child.

Actually, in reality, miscarriage is so common that it’s almost like a rite of passage for anyone wanting to have a child. Yet, and let me be clear here: the fact that it is common does not make it any less painful.

It’s a loss of a vision of the future, the sudden disappearance of a longing hope and a deep wish. No matter whether you lose the baby in the early stages, or at 6 months, it’s still a terrible disappointment which needs to be mourned. Also remember that during a miscarriage or even after the foetus dies, a woman may still feel and look pregnant for a while as the pregnancy hormone may still be present in her body.

Miscarriage happened to me

My first miscarriage was a huge shock, a loss of innocence. Although I knew that 1 in 3 first pregnancies result in miscarriage, I never thought it would happen to me. Even with my fertility issues, I assumed I would be okay.

The terrible shock of having your ultimate joy converted to horror when you start to bleed cannot be underestimated. At about 7 weeks, I started to spot. The doctor detected a faint heartbeat, diagnosed a threatened miscarriage and told me to rest and come back in two days for a scan. I continued to bleed slightly and by the fourth scan and multiple blood tests week or so later, the heartbeat had gone.

Since the foetus didn’t seem to want to expel on its own, I had a D&C. I remember waking up sobbing. The worst part was going from feeling and being pregnant to not being pregnant anymore within a day. You feel completely bereft and I was very down about it for a long time afterward.

The second miscarriage a few years later happened on fertility treatment, after I’d given birth to my daughter. That it happened then made it worse because of the time and money spent on falling pregnant in the first place. This time, at about 7 weeks, I felt my pregnancy symptoms begin to dissipate and suspecting that all was not well went for blood tests. It didn’t bode well.

The doctor scanned and diagnosed a blighted ovum, which meant that the gestational sac was empty because the embryo hadn’t developed properly. He didn’t want to do another D&C so he gave me some medication to expel it. It didn’t work and a week later I had more inserted. Ten days of bed rest and painkillers later, I eventually passed a gestational sac.

The time in bed gave me the opportunity to mourn. And with an older child, you don’t really have time to feel sorry for yourself; you have to sort of pull yourself together. I also recovered more quickly this time because I have a child and I know my body can do it. Still, it was a pretty awful experience, as any miscarriage is.

Share your experience of miscarriage below, or mail your story to

Is your relationship unhealthy?

If you can identify with any of the following 10 signs, then: "Ayeeee, we have a problem!"

Your partner:

1. Disregards and/or disrespects your feelings or opinions.
2. Is jealous and/or possessive.
3. Often criticizes and/or ridicules you.
4. Lies to you about big or 'small' things.
5. Is the ultimate decision-maker.
6. Abuses you (verbally, emotionally or physically).
7. Makes you feel worthless and restricts you.
8. Sometimes frightens you.
9. 'Punishes' you when you've done something unfavorable.
10. Shows no interest in important events and people in your life.

Are these not all of them? Enlighten us… share the other warning signs below.

My relationship is...

Friday, March 18, 2011

British woman 'bites off' boyfriend's testicles

A BRITISH man had surgery to reattach his testicles after his girlfriend allegedly bit them off, the Daily Mirror reported yesterday.
Maria Georgina Topp, 43, appeared in court accused of carrying out the horrific attack on her boyfriend Martin Douglas, 45, in Newcastle, northern England.

Mr Douglas had to call emergency services himself after the incident, but was in so much pain operators could not understand what he was saying. He needed emergency surgery and had to spend several days in the hospital recovering from the attack.

Paramedics who attended the scene called police when they saw the extent of his injuries and Ms Topp was arrested and charged with causing grievous bodily harm.
A Northumbria Police spokesman said, "At around 4am [local time] on Friday, February 18, police were called to a report of an assault. Officers arrested a 43-year-old woman on suspicion of assault. A 45-year-old man was taken to the Freeman Hospital for treatment to injuries to his arm and groin area."

Ms Topp is due to appear at Newcastle Crown Court next month.

Matthew Breach unlucky in love, but he's $30 million richer

A WOMAN who dumped her truck-driver boyfriend for being dull, only to see him scoop a Lotto fortune, has been branded Britain's unluckiest woman.
Kerry Graves, 31, has known self-confessed Mr Boring Matthew Breach, 37, since schooldays.
They were a couple for 14 years but Ms Graves then walked out, telling pals she wanted "lots of sex".
She is now in a dingy bedsit with failed web cafe owner Travis Mains-Marten, 28, and their baby Blake.
Meanwhile Mr Breach, who admits his hobby is sleeping, is working out how to spend his jackpot, which was worth almost $30 million.

A friend said: "Kerry's got to be the unluckiest woman in the country. She was with Matthew through all the hard times and that inevitably caused strains - but after she walked out on him he struck it rich."
His mum Sandra, 67, added: "It's a shame because she was a lovely girl and we really liked her."
Kerry texted Matthew to congratulate him after his win.

He said: "We still get on. We still talk. We just grew apart. She's possibly kicking herself but I don't know."

Healthy quintuplets born in Vienna

A 26-year-old woman has given birth to quintuplets at Vienna's General Hospital.
"The five babies are doing incredibly well, as is the mother," the hospital's gynaecology chief Peter Husslein told the daily Oesterreich.
The quintuplets, all girls, were delivered via caesarian section shortly after noon yesterday. Each is now being cared for by a separate team of doctors, the AKH hospital said.

Born prematurely in the 29th week of the pregnancy, they each weighed about 1kg, it added.
The caesarian section had actually been planned for next week but had to be brought forward after the mother experienced some heart problems, reports said.

More than 40 people, from anaesthetists to midwives and paediatricians, were involved in the delivery, the AKH's medical director Reinhard Krepler noted.

The parents, who already have a six-year-old daughter, had sought hormone therapy after failing to have another child, according to the newspaper Kurier.

Champions League Quarter-Final Draw Sees Manchester United Take On Chelsea, Tottenham Face Real Madrid & A Possible Clasico Semi-Final

The Champions League quarter-final draw concluded on Friday with some very interesting fixtures lying in wait for the coming months.

A repeat of the 2008 Champions League final, Chelsea clash with Manchester United in a tie that promises there will be at least one English semi-finalist.

Meanwhile, fellow English side and Champions League new-boys Tottenham face Jose Mourinho's Real Madrid - a remarkable achievement at this stage for a side who were bottom of the Premier League 18 months ago.

And of course with Barcelona drawing Shakhtar Donetsk, there's the distinct possibility of a Clasico semi-final if both Spanish giants - who will be hot favourites - progress that far.

Italy's last hope, Inter, have arguably the easiest draw of the pack as they face German side Schalke, a team currently plagued by internal problems.

A comprehensive table of the draw in full is as below:

Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
First Leg: Apr 5/6 First leg: Apr 26/27
Second Leg: Apr 12/13 Second leg: May 3/4

Real Madrid v Tottenham Chelsea  OR Man Utd
Chelsea  v Man Utd Inter  OR Schalke May 28

  Barcelona v Shakhtar Real Madrid OR Tottenham London

Inter  v Schalke Barcelona OR Shakhtar

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Libya No-Fly Zone Approved By U.N. Security Council

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council voted Thursday to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and authorize "all necessary measures" to protect civilians from attacks by Moammar Gadhafi's forces, hours after the Libyan leader vowed to crush the rebellion with a final assault on the opposition capital of Benghazi.
The U.N. vote paved the way for possible international air strikes on Gadhafi's advancing military and reflected the past week's swift reversal of the situation in Libya, where once-confident rebels are now in danger of being obliterated by an overpowering pro-Gadhafi force using rockets, artillery, tanks, warplanes. That force has advanced along the Mediterranean coast aiming to recapture the rebel-held eastern half of Libya.
The resolution establishes "a ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in order to help protect civilians." It also authorizes U.N. member states to take "all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory."
The vote was 10-0 with five countries abstaining including Russia and China, which have veto power in the council, along with India, Germany and Brazil. The United States, France and Britain pushed for speedy approval.
In Benghazi, Al-Jazeera satellite TV channel showed a large crowd watching the vote on an outdoor TV projection burst into celebration as green and red fireworks exploded in the air.
In an interview broadcast just before the Security Council voted, Gadhafi dismissed its actions. "The U.N. Security Council has no mandate. We don't acknowledge their resolutions," he told the Portuguese public Radiotelevisao Portuguesa. He pledged to respond harshly to U.N.-sponsored attacks. "If the world is crazy, we will be crazy too," he said.
U.S. officials have said the authorization for "all necessary measures" provides a legal basis for countries to carry out air strikes to protect civilians from Gadhafi's forces.
"We had said all along that Gadhafi must go," said British Foreign Secretary William Hague. "It is necessary to take these measures to avoid greater bloodshed."
In Britain, a lawmaker with knowledge of defense matters confirmed that British forces were on stand by for air strikes and could be mobilized as soon as Thursday night. The lawmaker declined to be named because the Defense Ministry has not issued official confirmation.

Samuel Eto'o - Zlatan Ibrahimovic Swap Was Great Business For Inter - Massimo Moratti

Inter president Massimo Moratti has taken the time to praise prolific hitman Samuel Eto'o in the aftermath of the Cameroon international's superb performance in Tuesday's Champions League win over Bayern Munich.

Eto'o scored once and had a hand in the other two goals in a dramatic 3-2 win over the Bavarians that saw the Nerazzurri keep dreams of retaining their title alive.

The 30-year-old attacker joined Inter from Barcelona in the summer of 2009 in a deal that saw Swedish international Zlatan Ibrahimovic going the other way, and Moratti has hailed the transfer as a fantastic piece of business for the Italian club.

"I'm not sure if the deal that brought Eto'o to the club was my best piece of transfer business ever, but I really think it was a great piece of business for us," Moratti was quoted as saying by Tuttosport.

"Eto'o is fantastic. I do not want to take anything away from Ibrahimovic, but for everyone it was really a great deal to get Eto'o. Samuel is truly extraordinary."

Eto'o has been in superb form this season and has already netted 19 Serie A goals for Inter. Additionally, the striker has scored eight goals in the Champions League, and he has climbed to 47th spot in the Castrol Rankings following his good performances in recent months.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Legendary Samuel Eto’o -Inter & Italian Football’s analytical Carlo Garganese hails the Cameroonian and Africa's lion hearted hitman after yet another monstrous Champions League performance, and warns those who continue to write off Italian football…

 Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Samuel Eto’o – who is the best player? The consensus would argue that the African would be in bronze position in respect of this particular trio.

But why? Few would question the notion that all three of these stars are world class, however what defines a true legend and all-time great is the ability to regularly produce his best in the games that really matter.

Unlike the more heralded Ronaldo and Ibrahimovic, Eto’o has done this throughout his career. The ex-Barcelona hitman is one of only two players to score in two Champions League finals, while he has hit countless other decisive knockout goals in Europe’s premier club competition.

Last night's epic 3-2 victory in Munich was no different as Eto’o led the line imperiously, scoring Inter’s first and creating the other two. Having turned 30 last week, the Cameroonian – who has struck 52 times in 101 games for his country – must now surely be considered as the greatest African footballer of all time. What Eto’o has produced has arguably surpassed the achievements of heroes like George Weah, Lakhdar Belloumi, Rabah Madjer and Abedi Pele.

As has been the case throughout 2010-11, Eto’o was untouchable against Bayern over the 180 minutes. In the first leg, he was ludicrously isolated but still managed to create chances out of nothing despite the attention of up to four opponents. During last night’s return he was afforded more space and support from fellow goalscorers Wesley Sneijder and Goran Pandev, and he capitalised on this with devastating effect.

Serie A and Champions League defenders are visibly terrified when facing Eto’o. The four-time African Player of the Year boasts almost every attacking attribute in the book: Lightning fast, skilful, powerful, an expert at holding the ball, creative, intelligent, aware – you could go on and on. One criticism of Eto’o during his time at Barcelona was that – despite an outrageous record of 108 goals in 145 La Liga games – he was not always the most clinical of finishers. This is one area where Eto’o has improved in Italy. You just don’t expect him to miss anymore.

Eto’o’s statistics this season confirm as much. He is third in the Capocannoniere rankings with 19 goals in 26 Serie A games, while he has struck four times in three Coppa Italia outings. In the Champions League itself, Eto’o is joint-top scorer with Lionel Messi and Mario Gomez on eight goals. In his last 12 outings for his country, the African goal machine has found the back of the net on 10 occasions.

Along with Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, Eto’o is certainly an early contender for the 2011 FIFA Ballon d’Or. Naturally, much will depend on the conclusion of this Champions League edition and at the moment Inter do not look like retaining their crown. Offensively and mentally Leonardo has transformed the Nerazzurri since succeeding Rafa Benitez at the turn of the year, but defensively all the problems from the Spaniard’s reign remain.

Although Bayern’s three goals in the tie can be put down to misfortune and Julio Cesar’s shocking goalkeeping, the Germans easily opened Inter up time and time again over the two legs. At 1-2 last night the Bundesliga outfit should have killed the game as they squandered at least three one-on-ones.

On the other side of the coin, Inter created plenty of chances themselves and considering the general lack of quality in Europe this term there is no reason why their weak defence should prevent them aiming for another final. Indeed, the only team significantly stronger than the Beneamata right now are Eto'o's old side, Barcelona. Inter would fancy their chances against Schalke, Shakhtar Donetsk, Tottenham, Manchester United, Chelsea, Real Madrid or Lyon.

Which is why writing off Italian football was once again premature. In 2006, Calcio’s last rites were read out and the Azzurri won the World Cup. The same thing happened 12 months later before Milan lifted the Champions League. And of course, a year ago, Serie A was labelled by ignorant national presses as a “retirement home” prior to Jose Mourinho winning the Champions League with Inter.

A success that - despite Serie A being in crisis since 2006 and the Premier League in its richest ever period – means Italy has actually won more Champions Leagues than any other nation since the Calciopoli scandal. Now just imagine what would be possible if Serie A wasn’t in crisis?

As always, no one ever learns when they dismiss Italian football. When Samuel Eto’o is about, you do so at your peril.

Julio Cesar Began Crying After Goran Pandev Scored For Inter Against Bayern Munich

Inter 'keeper Julio Cesar says he became emotional after striker Goran Pandev scored the side's third goal against Bayern Munich.

Inter goalkeeper Julio Cesar says he started to cry after striker Goran Pandev scored the Nerazzurri's third goal against Bayern Munich in the Champions League on Tuesday evening.

The Beneamata progressed to the quarter-finals of the competition when the Macedonian international found the back of the net in with only minutes to go in the encounter.

The Brazilian also revealed he had never made such a horrible error which saw Mario Gomez score.

"That error still scares me. I have never made a mistake such as this in an important clash," The shot-stopper told Sky Sport after the match. "When I conceded, I wanted to walk back to Milan.

"But then I composed myself and believed we could get a positive result. I praise all my marvellous team-mates for their hard work.

"Once Panev scored, I started to cry as I am an emotional person. Making that error overwhelmed me, but it is these errors that make you grow and mature as a person. I am disappointed that it happened during such a positive moment."

"I hope all the errors stop here," he concluded.

Inter ousts Bayern Munich

Defending champion Inter Milan staged a second-half comeback to oust Bayern Munich on away goals in a repeat of last season's final, and Manchester United advanced to the Champions League quarterfinals for the fifth consecutive season by beating Marseille 2-1 on Tuesday.
Goran Pandev's 88th-minute goal for Inter earned a 3-2 victory at Bayern that sent the Serie A side through, having lost 1-0 at the San Siro.
Inter is only the second team in Champions League history to overturn a first-leg home defeat to advance.
"It's a historic result considering how difficult the game was and how strong our opponents were," Inter coach Leonardo said. "It's a sign that these players have great faith in the team, we never give up. The European champions are still standing."
United's victory over Marseille was more routine despite nervy moments, with Javier Hernandez scoring twice to secure victory after the match in France was drawn 0-0.
In Munich, Pandev not only sealed the victory, but set up Samuel Eto'o's opener after four minutes with a neat pass that sent the Cameroon striker through.
Having beaten the offside trap, Eto'o slotted through the legs of Bayern goalkeeper Thomas Kraft to score his eighth goal in this season's competition.
But a mistake by Inter goalkeeper Julio Cesar gifted Bayern a tying goal. The Brazilian fumbled Arjen Robben's attempt from 20 yards, and Mario Gomez hooked the ball into the net in the 21st minute.
Thomas Mueller put Bayern ahead 3-1 on aggregate 10 minutes later. Robben cut in from the left and Lucio tried to intercept but only succeeded in putting it directly through for Mueller to lift the ball past Cesar.
"We created so many chances and didn't use them, and we didn't defend well in the second half," Bayern coach Louis van Gaal said. "That's how the opponent remains in the game."
Van Gaal was in charge of the last team -- Ajax in 1996 -- to come back from a home deficit and go through.
Inter's recovery began in the 63rd when Wesley Sneijder struck a shot into the corner of the net from 25 yards from Eto'o's layoff.
With Bayern clinging on, Eto'o raced ahead of defender Breno and sent the ball to Pandev, who fired into the top corner.
"It couldn't have started better for us, but then we gave them more room and that's when they are dangerous," Leonardo said. "It was tough, after losing in the last minute at home, to turn this game around. I always believed, however, and when we equalized at 2-2, I knew everything was possible. It was a really incredible game."
At Old Trafford, Hernandez put United ahead five minutes into the match after latching onto Wayne Rooney's cross.
The Mexico striker got the 15th goal of his debut season for United in the 75th minute. He netted from close range after Ryan Giggs squared the ball into the penalty area, having received the ball from substitute Antonio Valencia.
"Hernandez's pace and movement is helping us -- he is real handful," United manager Alex Ferguson said. "Wayne is enjoying the freedom behind Hernandez and is in really good form at the moment."
The three-time European champions clung on after Wes Brown headed into his own goal in the 83rd from Lucho Gonzalez's corner while under pressure from former United defender Gabriel Heinze.
"Our game plan was to attack them first half and to get a goal or two up," Rooney said. "We managed to get one and we held on. We were unfortunate to concede the goal."
Marseille missed early opportunities to cancel out Hernandez's opener, with striker Andre-Pierre Gignac shooting over and Souleymane Diawara heading wide when unmarked 6 yards from goal.
"My team have young players but after they have done well -- and we had good opportunities -- we don't score," Marseille coach Didier Deschamps said.
The only downside for United was that defender John O'Shea and his replacement Fabio both came off with suspected hamstring injuries.
"The balance of the team was affected with two defenders coming off," Ferguson said. "There was a lack of experience in the team and that could have cost us, but we hung on."
Last week, Barcelona, Schalke, Shakhtar Donetsk and Tottenham qualified for the quarterfinals. The last two spots will be determined Wednesday.
Chelsea holds a 2-0 lead over FC Copenhagen from the away leg, and Real Madrid hosts Lyon after drawing 1-1 in France.

Rihanna Opens Up About Betrayal by Her Father

Rihanna is doing more than just striking a pose in the new issue of Vogue Magazine; the singer is also opening up about her relationship with her father.

RiRi, who has been estranged from her father, Ronald Fenty, for some time, revealed she felt betrayed after he gave up details about her to the media, without her consent.

"Like, what do I even mean to him?" she told the magazine, breaking into tears. "It's really strange. That's the only word I can think of to describe it, because you grow up with your father, you know him, you are a part of him, for goodness' sakes! And then he does something so bizarre that I can't begin to wrap my mind around it."

Rihanna continues, "You hear the horror stories about people going behind people's backs and doing strange things, but you always think, Not my family. My father would never do that to me."
The disloyalty began after the incident with Chris Brown, in which the singer became a media target. Following Brown's assault she remained mum about the attack, but her father continued to do interviews as if he had spoken with his daughter, even though that wasn't the case.

"That was the first time," she revealed. "My dad went to the press and just told them a bunch of lies. Because he hadn't talked to me after ... that whole thing. ... He never called to find out how I was doing, if I was alive, nothing. He just never called. He went straight to the press and got a check. And now he does it again."

In previous interviews, the Grammy winner opened up about her strained relationship with her father, telling the U.K.'s Daily Mirror, in 2007, that he was a drug addict. These days Rihanna is done trying to repair the relationship. "Now I'm like, whatever, I tried."

While her bond with her father appears to be broken, the 23-year-old remains close with her mother and two brothers.

Hip-Hop Star Nate Dogg Dies

Hip-hop star Nate Dogg, 41, has reportedly passed away after suffering from health issues for several years. Long Beach's Press Telegram was first to report the Long Beach native's death.

While no details have been released as to how the smooth singer -- real name Nathaniel Hale -- died, it has been reported he suffered strokes in both 2007 and 2008.

Nate Dogg was a collaborator with hip-hop megastars including Eminem and Dr. Dre, and he is a founding member of the hip-hop group 213 with Snoop Dogg and Warren G.

Just last week, Warren G tweeted that Nate Dogg was receiving treatment. "For those that dont know awhile back nate had 2 strokes he is in therapy thanks again for your support," he tweeted.
Snoop Dogg seemed to confirm the sad news over Twitter, writing, "We lost a true legend n hip hop n rnb. One of my best friends n a brother to me since 1986 when I was a sophomore at poly high where we met."

"RIP NATE DOGG," he added.

Man Has 82 Tattoos of Julia Roberts

Some people get tattoos of flowers, others of favorite quotes. But there's one man in Chile who decided to cover himself with tattoos of...Julia Roberts.

Newspaper salesman Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic, 56, has not one, not 10, but 82 tattoos of Roberts' face all over his body, according to Reuters. He has already spent $4,000 on his tats, and plans on getting more -- if there's room.

Bukovic's fascination with the actress began with her leading role in 'Erin Brockovich' and took off from there. "The woman is great, she's beautiful," he said of the object of his tattoos, which cover his back, chest and arms.
While the images of Roberts span her various film roles, there's one noticeably missing.

"Once I was talking to him about 'Pretty Woman,'" said his tattoo artist. "And no, he doesn't like me to talk about Julia Roberts [in that film] because she's a prostitute there."

Aaron Homer 'into vampire stuff' says roommate

AN American man has been sentenced to three years of probation for stabbing a man who refused to let him suck his blood.
Maricopa County Superior Court says 24-year-old Aaron Homer pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and was sentenced yesterday.
The Arizona Republic reports 25-year-old Robert Maley once let his roommates suck his blood. But when Mr Maley refused a second time on October 4, he was stabbed.
Chandler police said Mr Maley lived with Homer and his girlfriend.
Mr Maley said the two men were into "vampire stuff".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OMG! Usher Booed by Fans, Walks Off Stage During Concert

Oh, oh, oh, oh oh my gosh. Usher is not having a good week.

CNN reports that the R&B star was forced to cancel his Wednesday concert in Berlin at the last minute due to an upper respiratory illness.

"I was ill and felt that I would not have been able to give that show that you all properly deserve," Usher Tweeted. The show was rescheduled for Thursday, but Justin Bieber's mentor wasn't out of the woods just yet.

The singer lip-synched his first two hits and danced poorly to them, according to a local Berlin tabloid. German fans began to boo. Usher reportedly lowered his head and stood silently on the stage for about four minutes before walking off the stage.

The stage lights then came on, and fans were told Usher was too sick to continue the show.

Trying to fight off sickness is what his reps say has been "preventing him from performing a proper show."

The 32-year-old father of two released a statement directly to his fans, saying, "I am truly sorry for any inconvenience I have caused my fans. My fans are the best in the world and I am looking forward to getting better so that I can give them the show they deserve."

It was only last month that Usher was kicked in the face by a fan on stage at Madison Square Garden.

Let's hope the booing Berliners can give the guy a break. He's had his fair share of trauma in front of an audience lately!

Mel Gibson is a grand dad

Mel Gibson has a little something to celebrate.The actor, who recently pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery charges stemming from incidents with ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, is a grandfather for the third time.

Gibson's daughter Hannah gave birth to a son, and according to a friend, Mel "was overwhelmed with emotion."

"He gets that way around babies. ... He was overjoyed," the friend added.
As part of his plea bargain, the Oscar winner will receive no jail time.

He was charged after months of investigation by sheriff's detectives into a January 2010 incident where Gibson allegedly "willfully and unlawfully" used violence against Grigorieva during a heated argument.

Gibson got probation for three years and was ordered to attend 52 weeks of counseling in a domestic violence program. He was also ordered to do 16 hours of community service and pay a small fine. The judge said he would continue the psychological "treatment" he's currently receiving as well.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Oh Pay Day !

By: Ernest Garnark Smith,Jr.

Pay day! Pay day! O what a remarkable pay day big papa; while other scepters were dreaming development and cordial co-existence, you diligently and indeed courageously worked to established that which you desired-Chaotic sub region. 

The Guinness World Book Record won’t be completed without the inscription of your famous name and some of your brilliant campaigns -Operation Octopus, the Cartar Camp Massacre, the Du-Port Road Massacre and, of course the Power Rapacious April 6 ’96. Mister Liberator, you alone turn L’Afrique de L’Ouest into a replica of terror and anarchy. 

The amicable Senegalese tasted your wrath in Vahum; the egocentric Ivorian are still licking the fresh wounds you ingeniously inflicted upon them as a reward for giving you passage…… Guinean villages before and after Massanta are nursing their share of trademark; the thousands Sierra Leonean disables and amputees are vivid scenes of your handwork. O the desolate Gambian orphans and widows are product of your patent modus operandi and faithful toil. 

Your very name stirs up anger and vengeance in Burkina Faso; it’s so amazing that       the Black Star with her noble record of discipline and humility in World Peace Keeping suffered severe pains at your feet and the mighty Aso Rock midst the loudest cries of her subjects stood sheepishly while you forced her harmless pens to sleep.

O ye freedom fighter prima facie, you’re a rare big time record-holding master schemer! Like your predecessor, coup d’etat and assassination just couldn’t drop you! As a tactical don you outwitted and outlasted all your comrades and archrivals in the hustle for Capitol Hill. Bravo O boy! You did survive the faintly-organized big hands orchestral zigzag ambush of June 4’03 by vitamin grace…. 

Ah you great organizer of good terror, how did you fall so low to the benevolent gangsters of the North and Southeastern? With quality roar and indelible scars upon your ego they undressed and sped you into wilderness for the pay day. 

Pay day, pay day, O you long awaited day! Your eyes speak volumes of your anxiety; your smiles denote your joy in honoring West Africa’s beloved in grand style. 

Kudos, kudos for you Mr. Illustrious, like a toothless bulldog you’re on the podium awaiting the medal tray to be adorned by Mother United Nations backed voices pro rata and least to oblivion for eternity. Why? Because it’s pay day and your pay day……… quid pro quo!


By: Ernest Garnark Smith,Jr.
From the comfort of my noxious and bugs-infested cubicle in the heart of the Ijebu Land; I herald!
From the serene and fertile valley of Mount Wologisi to the beauteous and domineering peak of Mount Nimba I sing; from the humble yet faithful source of the amicable St. John River to its fierce but compassionate mouth in Upper Buchanan, again Garnark proclaims aloud the quartet-peace, love, hope and hope along the coastline, atop the hills and mountains; down the plains and valleys of the Grain Coast. 

From the sub urban of boisterous Jo’burg to the smiling vegetation of Bloemfontein I’m discernible; from the friendly Robben Island to Pollsmoor with me “the Black Pimpernel” steered the ostracized L’Afrique d’Sud to recognition. O ye Sweet Land of Liberty amongst your infants I dwell…. 

Was I not crowned when Coretta King chose to offer prayers of forgiveness to the soul who rocked Martin to sleep? I’m proudly concomitant with the Hutus and Tutsis. At my feet battles crumble. 

From the stagnate Camp Oru to the extravagant Buduhamus I’ve crusaded; from the somnolent Camp Bosu in the belly of the Guinean forest to the post-mortem Danane I’d manifest on the lips of Liberian. Like the rugged but faithful Old Bridge which connects Dugbor to the Island, I bind the broken cord of brotherhood amongst the boys in the hoods. 

Arise! Arise!! O ye loving men, have I not availed myself as an antibiotic for your perennial disease-Malice? O yes from the Diaspora to your coastline and villages I’ve chosen to settle embrace me and experience life. Embrace me O embrace for life